Programme Athens November Session 2018

Course CTU1: Metrology of Electrical Quantities 

Last page update: October 17, 2018

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Responsible professor

Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Boháček, DrSc.


Participating assistant professors

Ing. Radek Sedláček, Ph.D.
Ing. Jan Kučera, Ph.D.
Ing. Martin Šimůnek

Lecture topics

1. Introduction. Measurement units and measurement standards. Quantum standards of voltage and resistance. Thompson-Lampard's capacitance standard. Resistors with calculable frequency performance. Transfer standards.
(click to download TOPIC 1 presentation).

2. Voltage and current inductive ratio devices and optimization of their metrological parameters.
(click to download TOPIC 2 presentation).

3. Methods for precision measurement of dc current and dc voltage. Modern potentiometers. Measurement of voltage, power and energy in audiofrequency range.
(click to download TOPIC 3 presentation).

4. Bridges for dc and ac measurements of resistance. Transformer and current-comparator-based capacitance bridges.
(click to download TOPIC 4 presentation).

Laboratory demonstrations

1. Thompson-Lampard's capacitance standard. [ click to download]
2. Frequency performance of resistance standard. [click to download]
3. Calibration of capacitance box. [click to download]

Visit the Czech Metrology Institute (CMI, Radiová 3, Praque 10) 

Calibration of digital multimeters, QHE-based calibrations of resistance standards.
See CMI location on the map.

Course time schedule

Date / Hours 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Monday 19.11.   Lecture 1
Room T2:A3-318
  Laboratory demonstrations - Group A*
Room T2: C4-s152
Tuesday 20.11   Lecture 2
Room T2:A3-318
  Laboratory demonstrations - Group B*
Room T2: C4-s152
Wednesday 21.11   Lecture 3
Room T2:A3-318
  Visit the National technical museum
Thursday 22.11   Lecture 4
Room T2:A3-318
  Excursion to CMI    
Friday 23.11   Test
Room T2: A3-318
  Evaluation & closing
T2: A3-318

*two groups of students will be formed to attend the laboratory demonstrations

Location ROOM T2: A3-318  at the faculty: block A3, 3rd floor (see the red point at the map below)

T2: main entrance of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering


© CTU in Prague Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Measurement 2008-2018